The 红杉技术 Group (“The Redwood Group”) is the parent company of all 红杉技术 (first entity est. 1993年)和内容大师(第一次实体测试). 2005)公司. 红木集团包括所有附属公司和子公司.
The Redwood Group takes care to ensure it conducts its business in compliance with various laws and 规定 globally in order to ensure it operates in an ethical, 负责任和可持续的态度, 尊重人和环境. It is important that any supplier to The Redwood Group can demonstrate that their business aligns with our objectives. This Code of Conduct document sets out the minimum requirements with regard to the ethics and compliance that The Redwood Group expects of each supplier it employs within its supply chain. 供应商, 他们的子公司, 子公司和员工在开展业务时必须遵守本《世界杯买球APP》. 本行为准则适用于所有供应商, 其联属公司、子公司及其分包商(统称“供应商”).
除本《世界杯买球APP》所载的预期行为和标准外, 供应商应遵守所有适用法律, 规定, directives and decrees in all territories and countries in which it does business and provides goods and/or services.
Supplier shall ensure that it implements and maintains a policy which is effective in ensuring equal opportunities and preventing discrimination, 在工作场所对员工的骚扰或欺凌.
a. Supplier recruitment of new staff will be based on the job requirements and the individual’s suitability and ability to do, 或者为之训练, 就是这份工作,没有其他原因.
b. Supplier shall ensure that the recruitment process is carried out consistently for all jobs at all levels within the Company and that it is seen to be fair and non-discriminatory.
c. 供应商在招聘过程中不得有种族歧视, 颜色, 民族起源, 国籍, 国家的起源, 宗教或信仰, 性, 性取向, 性别, 年龄, 婚姻或民事伴侣关系, 残疾, 子女和/或家庭义务.
d. Supplier shall respect the rights of employees to decide if they wish to be represented by and eng年龄 in activities with any applicable trade unions.
e. 供应商应承诺遵守所有国际劳工法. Specifically in regards to the use of child labour and shall in any event ensure that no employees are below the 年龄 of sixteen (16).
f. Supplier shall ensure that all employee working hours comply with all applicable laws and that employees are compensated in line with all applicable w年龄 laws.
g. 供应商应遵守适用的健康和安全法律法规, 和识别, evaluate and control employee exposure to safety and health hazards by ensuring all steps are taken to create a safe and hygienic working environment.
h. Supplier shall have policies and procedures in place to ensure employees do not suffer harassment in the workplace, 出于某种原因, 包括以员工的种族为由, 颜色, 民族起源, 国籍, 国家的起源, 宗教或信仰, 性, 性取向, 变性, 年龄, 婚姻或民事伴侣身份或残疾, 哪个有目的,哪个有效果, 无论是有意还是无意, 在工作中侵犯员工的尊严, 或者创造一种吓人的, 充满敌意的, 有辱人格的, 侮辱性或冒犯性的工作环境.
2.2 防止奴役和贩卖人口
a. 供应商应始终遵守《世界杯买球APP》的规定.
b. Supplier shall ensure that all its subcontractors have a zero tolerance policy to forced or slave labour. 具体而言,订约供应商应确保不这样做, 供应商在其自己的供应链中不:
2) Facilitate or arrange the travel of another person or people with a view to that person or people being exploited anywhere in the world. 安排或促进应包括招聘, 运输或转让, 接收或窝藏, 交换或转移对一个人或一群人的控制权.
Supplier shall strive to create regenerative 流程 and minimize adverse effects on the environment and wider community. 供应商应确保其拥有开展业务所需的所有适当的环境许可证, 在需要时. 供应商应在以下方面作出主要的环境承诺:
a. ensure that the Company continues to comply with present and future environmental standards and legislation, 业务守则, 监管控制以及客户和保险要求;
b. 尽量减少本署活动可能造成的实际上可避免的污染或滋扰;
c. 尽量减少所有材料的使用, 供应及能源,并尽可能使用可再生或可循环再造物料;
d. 采用无害环境的运输政策;
e. 尽量减少废物的产生,并以负责任的方式处置不可避免的废物;
f. 考虑产品变化对环境的影响, 流程, 业务决策时的材料和设施;
g. 积极推动, 在可能的情况下, 那些有助于节约能源和不破坏环境的产品
h. continually improve our environmental performance through the setting and reviewing of realistic and achievable objectives and targets;
i. communicate these environmental standards to staff and encour年龄 them to participate in the achievement of these goals;
j. 为实施这些标准提供适当的资源.
除了, 供应商应遵守所有适用的环境法律法规, including but not limited to the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive of the European Union.
供应商应以诚实和道德的方式开展所有业务. Supplier shall have a zero tolerance policy to corruption and bribery and commit to acting 专业ly, 在所有的商业交易和关系中公平正直, 无论他们在哪里工作, 实现, 实施有效的反贿赂制度. Supplier shall uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption in all the jurisdictions in which they operate
a. 供应商及其代表不得作出, 提供, 索取或接受任何付款或价值转移, 包括但不限于物质奖励, 任何形式的礼物或服务, 以公共贿赂或者商业贿赂为目的的, 或接受或默许敲诈勒索, 回扣或其他非法或不正当手段获得或保持业务, 代表或代表供应商或红木集团.
b. The practice of Supplier or Supplier’s representatives accepting gifts beyond the normal amenity of customer/business practice is considered neither desirable nor ethical and is in direct violation of various anticorruption laws, 规则, 适用于各自当事人的法规和法令(统称, “法案”), 包括美国《反海外腐败法, 经修订(“反海外腐败法”), the United Kingdom Bribery Act 2010 (the “Bribery Act”) and any 实现 legislation under the OECD Convention Against the Bribery of Foreign Government Officials in International Business Transactions (“OECD Convention”).
Supplier will at all times respect and protect any and all confidential information and/or personal data it controls, 流程 or has access to and in any event comply with all applicable confidentiality and data privacy laws in all territories in which it does business and provides goods or services. Supplier warrants that it has robust mechanisms in place to ensure adherence to this provision and applicable privacy laws.
Supplier and their representatives will avoid any improprieties and conflicts of interest between the interests of Supplier on the one hand, 和个人, 专业, 另一方面是商业利益. This includes avoiding actual conflicts of interest as well as the appearance of conflicts of interest. Supplier should ensure there are mechanisms and procedures in place to protect the integrity of Supplier’s decision-making process, 使利益相关者对供应商的诚信有信心, 以及保护职员和董事的诚信和声誉.
The Redwood Group believes that sound man年龄ment systems and commitment are key to enriching the social and environmental well-being of our supply chain. 因此, Supplier is expected to adopt or establish a man年龄ment system to carry out the responsibilities outlined in this Code of Conduct. 管理制度的设计应确保供应商的运作:
a. 遵守红木集团的要求和适用的法律法规;
b. Conform to the responsibilities listed in this Code of Conduct; and
c. 识别并减轻与这些职责相关的操作风险.